This Read-a-thon is hosted by Lori at Pure Imagination, Candace at Candace's Book Blog, and Reading Angel. It runs from 12:01 AM on July 11 to 11:59 PM on July 13th.
To participate, go HERE and fill out the form!
This Read-a-Thon starts tomorrow and I have the next four days off - which NEVER happens. I usually have long shifts during every Read-a-Thon I want to partipate in, so I better make this one count!
Reading List
- (Finish) EON by Alison Goodman
- PARADISE by Jill S. Alexander
- THE NEAR WITCH by Victoria Schwab
- MERCY by Rebecca Lim
- IMAGINARY GIRLS by Nova Ren Suma
- SOMETIMES IT HAPPENS by Lauren Barnholdt
- HOOKED by Catherine Greenman
- THIS DARK ENDEAVOR by Kenneth Oppel
This list may change, but these are the books I pulled off my shelves!