My acceptance of a review copy or arc does not guarantee a positive review. I am generally good at selecting novels that I'll enjoy, but there are exceptions. I am honest in my reviews, but I strive for fairness. If I don't enjoy a book, I'm sure to explain why, as other readers may not take issue with the same aspects.
50 Page Rule
The Hiding Spot focuses primarily on Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Illustrated Children's titles. That said, if a review copy of a Adult Fantasy/Science Fiction, Adult Romance/Chick Lit title is offered - and I am intrigued by the synopsis or I feel that my blog readers may enjoy it - I may accept. I do own an e-reader (a Kindle) and happily accept e-galleys and e-books for review purposes.
Review Format
All reviews begin with a description. I do not write my own descriptions; they are pulled from the GoodReads, the back of arcs, jacket flaps, etc. My rationale behind using source descriptions is that this description influenced my decision to read the novel and are the point from which my expectations stem.The bulk of the review is my opinion on various aspects of the novel. I usually choose two or three things about the novel that I particularly enjoyed or, in some cases, disliked. If there was a romantic element, it's guaranteed to be mentioned. I don't discuss every aspect or plot line of a novel, sometimes because I don't have a clearly formed opinion, other times to keep the review at a manageable length. My reviews should only take a matter of minutes to read, while still touching on the characteristics that most influenced my enjoyment and opinion of the novel.
Contact Me
To contact me about reviewing a title at The Hiding Spot, an interview or guest post, hosting a contest, current information regarding site traffic, or any other questions, please email me at: