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Saturday, April 10, 2010


The Hiding Spot is dedicated primarily to YA, MG, and Children's titles, but I'm also a lover of epic fantasy and science fiction that is typically marketed for adult readers. I do not review self-published novels (unless sought out by myself) because I do not only read for pleasure and the sake of my blog, but work as well, where we rarely stock self-published titles. E-galleys and e-book are accepted for review purposes.

In addition to writing for The Hiding Spot, I'm also the Children's and Young Adult Literature Specialist at Brilliant Books in Traverse City, MI. My duties are many, but, in addition to working with customers, I select titles for stock, work with teachers and librarians, and happily contribute to the Kids Book of the Month program.

All reviews are posted on GoodReads and Edelweiss. I routinely submit titles I love to the ABA's Indie Next List.

In addition to reviewing novels, I also conduct author interviews and gladly host contests and giveaways.

If you are interested in any of the promotional opportunities offered at The Hiding Spot, please contact me.