Title: Academy 7
Author: Anne Osterlund
Publisher: Speak
Date published: 2009
Type of book: Young Adult/SciFi (Love, Orphan, Family, Academy)
Pages: 259
I received this book from/at: Barnes and Noble
My interest in this book is: author, plot
Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “SECRETS STAND IN THEIR WAY, DANGER LURKS IN THEIR HEARTS Aerin Renning is a scarred fugitive, Dane Madousin a rebellious son of privilege. On the surface, they have nothing in common. But the two most competitive freshmen at Academy 7 share an undiscovered bond. Both harbor a dangerous secret that threatens their own destruction. And while their safety depends upon their staying apart, the two are inexplicably drawn to each other. Even as unknown forces conspire to separate them, their competition turns to friendship, and their friendship to romance. Now not only their lives – but their hearts – are at stake. To survive, the two must unite all their knowledge, skills, and gifts to uncover a secret bigger than either could have imagined. A secret as big as the entire universe…”
Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Aerin and Dane: I really liked them together; they totally complemented each other.
When I finished this book I felt: This book wasn’t at all what I expected, but I loved it. It had a distinct science fiction vibe. Academy 7 sounded intense and the world of Aerin and Dane was rich and vibrant. My only complaint was that their seemed to be a big buildup – then the ending was kind of anticlimactic. Osterlund’s first book, Aurelia, was the same way. But I still really like them. Both books are totally different, but both amazing.
Other books to read by this author: Aurelia
I would recommend this book to: fans of Osterlund and/or scifi with a romantic plot line
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