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Saturday, June 24, 2017

COVER REVEAL: Granted by John David Anderson (Walden Pond Press, 2/18)

I've professed my love for John David Anderson's books before, so is it any surprise that I'm beyond excited to reveal the cover of Anderson's 2018 novel, Granted? Read on for a description of the story, a note from Anderson, and the cover!

About the Book

Everyone who wishes upon a star, or a candle, or a penny thrown into a fountain knows that you’re not allowed to tell anyone what you’ve wished for. But even so, rest assured: There is someone out there who hears it.

Ophelia Delphinium Fidgets is no ordinary fairy—she is a Granter: one of the select few whose job it is to venture beyond the boundaries of the Haven and grant the wishes of unsuspecting humans every day. It’s the work of the Granters that generates the magic that allows the fairies to do what they do and to keep the Haven hidden and safe. But with worldwide magic levels at an all-time low, this is not as easy as it sounds. On a typical day, only a small fraction of the millions of wishes made get granted. And even granting those promised few means navigating a human world fraught with danger.

Today, however, is anything but typical. Because today, Ophelia is going out on her first assignment. And she’s about to discover that getting what you truly want takes much more than a handful of fairy dust.

A Note From the Author

“The world of imagination is boundless.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau 

I joke sometimes with young readers that publishers spend more time debating cover art than they do editing a manuscript, but I understand. I get it. I have been arrested by an image on an endcap at a bookstore, a cover that lures you with its luster. Like that one aunt whose Christmas packages all look immaculate, with curlicue ribbons and the folds perfectly aligned (as opposed to my wrapping, which often consists of last-minute crinkled aluminum foil held together with electrical tape). They are works of art. But they are so much more. There’s good stuff inside. (Or, in the case of that Aunt, there’s an ugly shirt and—hopefully—a gift receipt.)

A book cover is a wrapping, but that wrapping contains a wish. Every book I set out to read carries with it expectations and entreaties. Take me away. Tell me something I don’t know. Make me laugh. Make me cry. Teach me. Comfort me. Entertain me. Surprise me. I suppose I ask a lot of the books I read, but that’s okay: they usually deliver.  They’re cool like that.

A book cover is also a promise. Or maybe just a tease. The famously sad eyes looming over the explosively bright skyline of Gatsby promising tragedy and excess. The endless forests and mountain ranges of Tolkien’s The Hobbit promising an arduous, adventure-filled journey (designed by the author himself, no less—some people get all the gifts). Or from my adolescence: the menacing hand of a monster gripping a sewer grate, making its own macabre promise…we all float down here. Maybe I shouldn’t have read It at such a young age, but it definitely delivered.

A book cover can be a puzzle, too. A mystery. Granted? What’s granted? Is that a fairy? What’s wrong with her wing? Why is she riding a dog? Fairies don’t usually ride dogs, do they? Where are they going? And what’s up with that single gold leaf floating down from the top? Of course to solve it, you have to read it. You have to follow the hobbits into the forest. You have to follow the killer clown into the sewer. You have to hop on the back of the dog and see where he takes you. Hopefully somewhere exciting. Somewhere magical. Somewhere that you’ve never been before but is strangely familiar. The possibilities are endless, after all. 

And that’s what I love most about writing. Those possibilities. That you can write a book about three kids skipping school to visit their teacher in a hospital one day and about a headstrong fairy who breaks the rules in her quest to grant a meaningful wish the next. Though the books be bound and wrapped, the world of imagination is boundless indeed.

A cover is a door. Crack it open and you discover a portal to a whole new world. A fantasy world ruled over by an icy queen. A chocolate factory filled with Oompa Loompas. A school where the lunch lady is a superhero. In the case of Granted, it’s a world where magic is on the wane and wishes are a dime a dozen. A world where granting one such wish isn’t as easy as it sounds and carries potentially catastrophic consequences. A world were fairies do ride on the backs of dogs, but only if they feed those dogs donuts. A world focused on family, friendship, and the difficulty that often comes with following your heart.

The doors to these worlds aren’t locked. They’re open to anyone with an imagination. Just find one you like and jump right in.

John David Anderson is the author of several middle-grade novels including Ms. Bixby’s Last Day, Posted, Sidekicked, and the forthcoming Granted. He would like to thank Julie McLaughlin for the cover design of that book. He would also like to thank Sara for hosting him again (because she’s just that awesome). You can find out more about all of his books by visiting



 Scroll down to see the cover of Granted!







Publisher: Walden Pond Press
 Release Date: 02/13/2018

I am so charmed by that jaunty pup and curiously torn fairy wing! Share your thoughts in the comments and be sure to add Granted to your Goodreads and upcoming reads list!