Carrie Jones has kindly offered a pretty new hardcover copy of CAPTIVATE to one lucky reader of The Hiding Spot! But wait! If you don't win the new hardcover copy, I've also got an arc copy of CAPTIVATE to give away as well ! So this contest will have TWO winners!

As always, to gain a few extra entries you check out and comment on my review of CAPTIVATE and my interview with Carrie! You can gain up to 8 extra entries, but make sure that your comments are more than just "great interview/review," I'll be checking. Comments that show you actually read the posts are appreciated.
Extra entries are also up for grabs for those of you who follow The Hiding Spot and spread the word about the this contest.
AND you can get extra entries by telling me about your favorite phobia. Or a phobia with a super awesome name. Or a phobia you have. Or something. Leave a comment on this post for the 4 extra entries.
To enter this contest, you must fill out this handy FORM.
This contest is open to US and Canada mailing addresses.
Entries will be accepted until January 24, 2010!
Arachnophobia always freaked me out. haha I remember when that movie came out, it scared the crap out of me!
ReplyDeleteSadly, my only phobia is plain old garden-variety claustrophobia. Keep me out of enclosed spaces!!
ReplyDeleteHmmm....I have a slight phobia of needles. I can handle them, but they sort of freak me out! Lol
ReplyDeletemy phobia is Chaetophobia (fear of hair) I hate hair, it's so gross!
ReplyDeleteThere are so many phobias out there... Here are a few extremely interesting ones.
ReplyDeleteAutomatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being.
I feel super bad for people that have this one... what a sad life...Bibliophobia- Fear of books
And this last one just made me laugh..It's not suppose to be funny I am sure but I can't help it Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia or Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia - Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.
Phobia? Hmm I have a phobia of roaches nasty little creatures. Great contest hun. ♥ Parajunkee
ReplyDeleteI have a phobia of public washroom. Don't know why..but I wouldn't use one unless it's really, really, really necessary.
ReplyDeleteI have such a weird phobia, it's called bambakophobia...yeah I can't stand cotton balls. They're so gross and just ughh.
ReplyDeleteGreat contest. I am afraid if the dark and mirrors.
ReplyDeleteI have a case of Agliophobia- Fear of pain. I've had weird dreams about being pricked by a needle on my finger....
ReplyDeleteThis is a great contest, I've been dying to read Captivate!
I have a fear of airplanes (though I'm handling it) and lizards. I just hate when they get into my house, it's so gross!
ReplyDeleteI Have Total Arachnophobia. I Am So Freaked By Spiders. I Can't Stand The Sight Of Them. All Someone Has To Say Is That There Is A Spider Near Me And On Me And I Go Postal.
ReplyDeleteI am soooooo deeply afraid of spiders. Not just big spiders, but little ones too. I scream and make someone come and kill it. If it doesn't get killed then I will be paranoid about it...
funniest phobia (this is serious, i found it online, so it MUST be true, right?
ReplyDeleteHippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Fear of long words
wow...that scares me
My phobia would be bugs. Plain and simple those creepy crawlers just scare the life out of me when I see one. *shudders* Yucky bugs. D:
ReplyDeleteI have Thalassophobia. This is a phobia with a fear of oceans or seas. I know this sounds crazy but I completely get scared out of my wits when I see a movie (JAWS) when it's under water......
ReplyDeleteI think this is sort of a cool phobia and I'm sure some of us can relate :)
ReplyDeleteAbibliophobia: Obsessive fear of being without books
p.s. you have an award here :)
ReplyDeleteI don't really have a phobia, but I have a friend who is terrified of tape. I guess because when you touch it you leave behind dead skin or something. I couldn't find the name for fear of tape though :(
ReplyDeleteGreat contest and topic! I don't really have any phobias but my mom, sister-in-law, hubby and son are all really afraid of snakes. I'm not sure why, and we all live out in the country so we have plenty of them. They aren't my favorite animal but they've never really bothered me though. We've had a few get into our house and that really freaked them out!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite phobia is arachibutyrophobia, which is fear o f peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. It's just so random, you wouldn't think there was a specific word for it!
ReplyDeleteI have a few phobias. Germs are my number one. I don't touch doors with my hands if I can help it, I wash my hands several times a day, I refuse to touch doorkknob handles in bathrooms (I used paper towels or my shirt), etc. Yes, I know I'm odd.
ReplyDeleteI have a phobia of bugs of any kind! eww!
ReplyDeleteI have Aichmophobia which is a fear of needles or pointed objects. Last time I went to get a vaccine, I thought I was having an allergic reaction afterwards, but the doctor told me it was an anxiety attack. :) Thankfully, my next shot isn't due til in nine years. I can't believe that when I was a lot younger, I use to love getting shots! xD
ReplyDeletea phobia I have would be of needles.And bugs.
ReplyDeleteI'm extremely arachnophobic and aichmophobic. eek!
ReplyDeleteA phobia I have is Arachnophobia. Some interesting phobias I found are Barophobia- Fear of gravity
ReplyDeleteConsecotaleophobia- Fear of chopsticks
Euphobia- Fear of hearing good news
Now who would be afraid of hearing good news?
Anyways, great giveaway! I'm excited to read this series!
Cant wait to read this. Loved Need.
ReplyDeleteI really have two. One is Arachnophobia. I handle this one the best. And my cats help a lot, killing them before I see them.
The other is fire related. More to house fires and my house in particular then general fire though. I can do fireplaces and firepits, etc.
My daughter has blood phobia... She passes out at sight or thought of blood sometimes.. even in a movie... Eke Gads!
ReplyDeleteI have a phobia of bugs. If I see one up close I scream and jump around like crazy.
ReplyDeletei think i have this too: Abibliophobia: Obsessive fear of being without books
ReplyDeleteas what miss cindy :) said!
i can't not be without books. I just can't!
my boss at work has ornitophobia -- a fear of birds! she can't stand holding or touching them! she doesn't mind them if they
re far away but runs away when they come near her!
I have house lots of phobias, though most I try to keep buried deep inside. I love Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. The fear of long words. That's just genius for the very title of the phobia to strike up the fear.
ReplyDeleteI have 2 phobias, although I wouldn't include them in my list of favorite things. 1. heights 2 deep water. (shivers)
ReplyDeleteElie N(Ellz Readz)
Mine is definitely Arachnophobia!! I am terrified of Spiders. I am also scared of height also!!
ReplyDeleteJamie B
I have a major phobia of needles. Not, like, sewing needles, but the ones they use to give you a shot or draw blood. Last time I had to have blood drawn, I had to take six valium to make myself go. It's kind of ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteI have a completely unfounded fear of drowning. I have never almost drowned and, in fact, love water and swimming so I don't know where it's from.
ReplyDeleteSo jealous I have been wanting to read this
ReplyDeleteClaustrophobia. Don't like small spaces or being closed in. You would think since I am only 5ft tall I would not be claustrophobic. LOL It is not severe but tiny elevators will cause my heart to beat faster.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see so many people sharing their phobias. Sadly I'm not in the U.S or Canada, nor do I have any phobia. But this book seems really nice, I haven't read Need but I surely will read both of them :D
ReplyDeleteMy phobia is....spiders. I......HATE....SPIDERS.
ReplyDeleteHmmm...a phobia. I'd say needles. I always faint after I get one. It's kind of sad. Lol :P
ReplyDeletePhobia of spiders, but I seem to have a handle on teeny tiny spiders now. Larger ones still scare me!
ReplyDeleteI have a phobia of HEiGHTS :|
ReplyDeleteArachnophobia. I cannot bear to so much as be in the room with one.
ReplyDeletewakeupangel at gmail dot com
Balloons. Not the silver one with pictures, the old types you can pop. Can't deal with touching them or hearing someone rub one. I know it's weird:) (Laurie)
ReplyDeleteI can't stand spiders. Such vile creatures! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteMy biggest one would be hemophobia, fear of blood. And an interesting one I found was koinoniphobia- fear of rooms. Does that mean the person can only sleep outside? o_O