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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Celebrate the Civil Rights Movement Blog Tour!

August 28 marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech. Marked as a "watershed moment in the struggle for civil rights," this speech represents a huge moment in US history. One of my favorite books commemorating Martin Luther King Jr., his speech, and his beliefs is Kadir Nelson's gorgeously illustrated book I Have a Dream.

Random House has put together a fantastic website with lots of great content and information for those interested in Nelson's I Have a Dream. One of my favorite parts of the site is the video in which Nelson talks about the story behind the book. This video is great because it not only gives readers a look at Nelson and his thought process as he designed the book, but also shows images from the book and features clips from the "I Have a Dream" speech! You can check out the site here and watch the video of Nelson below!

Nelson's I Have a Dream is a great book to add to your personal collection, to share with the young readers in your life, and is essential for all classrooms! While I can't provide every child with a copy of this fantastic tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. and his landmark speech, I do have one copy to giveaway to a lucky winner! Enter for your chance to win below:

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