Story Time is a new feature at The Hiding Spot in which I share some of my favorite new, old, & overlooked picture books.
Not a parent, teacher, or librarian? Picture books make fantastic gifts, from baby showers to birthdays and holidays. As bookworms, we all know how important books are – be the one who hands that special kid in your life the book that will make them fall in love with the magic of reading!
New & Notable
Monster Chefs
Written & Illustrated by Brian & Liam Anderson
Where's Mommy?When the horribly horrible monster king grows tired of only eating eyeballs and ketchup, his four chefs set off to find something new to please his palate - or be eaten themselves. One by one, the chefs return home, each having been foiled by a clever rabbit, fish, or snake. As three of the chefs smother themselves in ketchup, the fourth chef returns to the kingdom with an innovative (and sweet!) surprise that saves the day! A monstrous tale filled with creativity and cupcakes, Monster Chefs is sure to make monsters of all ages smile. Add on Goodreads.
Written by Beverly Donofrio, Illustrated by Barbara McClintock

When secret and unlikely friends Maria and Mouse Mouse both discover their mothers aren't there to tuck them in, they set off on a parallel search to find them. Readers will explore upstairs with Maria and downstairs with Mouse Mouse until their independent searches bring the two friends together for a climactic surprise! The downstairs world of Mouse Mouse in comparison to Maria's life upstairs will enchant young readers and amuse adults, while the deceptively simple story imparts a lesson about friendship between two very different girls. Add on Goodreads.The Scraps Book: Notes from a Colorful Life
Written & Illustrated by Lois Ehlert
The Scraps Book not only offers a look at process of the always innovative and creative Lois Ehlert, it's also an inspiring call to those young and old who love to create art of any kind. Subtitled "Notes from a Colorful Life," the pages of this book are bursting with various textures and colors that tell stories of their own as the text guides the reader. The Scraps Book is perfect for lovers of Ehlert, as well as budding and seasoned artists of any age. Add on Goodreads.
Poor Doreen: A Fishy Tale
Written by Sally Lloyd-Jones, Illustrated by Alexandra Bolger
Miss Doreen Randolph-Potts, an Ample Roundy Fish, sets out to visit her second cousin twice removed (who's just had 157 babies), but her quiet journey quickly becomes a almost-unbelievable whopper of a tale! The always optimistic Doreen chances upon a delectable dragonfly (never mind the hook attached), catches a ride with a helpful egret (well, great blue heron luckily misidentified), and never once seems fazed by the precarious situations she swims into. While the title of this book may be Poor Doreen, there's no reason to mourn for the always positive and glass half-full Doreen! Add on Goodreads.The Dandelion's Tale
Written by Kevin Sheehan, Illustrated by Rob Dunlavey
The Dandelion's Tale is a delightful read-aloud about the power of storytelling and friendship. Young readers will meet Dandelion and Sparrow, new friends who work together to fulfill Dandelion's wish of being remembered after she is gone. Bright, colorful illustrations depict the happiness of Dandelion's life and the happy ending reminds readers of all ages that words and storytelling have infinite power. Add on Goodreads.
Love any of the books featured this week? Want to see a certain theme explore, author, or illustrator explored in an upcoming Story Time post? Let me know in the comments!
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