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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Recent Cover Reveals (That Made Me Swoon) Part II

Breaking Sky by Cori McCarthy

Devoted by Jennifer Mathieu

All the Rage by Courtney Summers

Conviction by Kelly Loy Gilbert

Sweet by Emmy Laybourne

The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker

I love all of these covers for very lots of different reasons...
In all honesty, I'm probably most excited about All the Rage, simply because I've been waiting WAY TOO LONG for a new book from Courtney Summers. You know how some authors just write the books you didn't even know you wanted to read? Yep. That's the deal here. The publisher could have covered that book with a brown paper bag and I would have been fine with it, but, luckily, the actual cover is gorgeous!

The cover of Sweet makes me dizzy every time I look at it.

I'm so pumped about new books from Jennifer Mathieu and Cori McCarthy - I loved both of their debuts!

Conviction and Witch Hunter are both from debut authors, but, with covers like those, how could you not want to read them?

Which new covers are your favorites? Any that you dislike? Let me know in the comments!