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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Contest: Win a copy of Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin!

Bloomsbury is offering one finished copy of LOW RED MOON to one lucky winner at The Hiding Spot!

Please be sure that you read through the information and rules below.

(1) finished copy of LOW RED MOON

How to Enter:
You MUST comment on my review of LOW RED MOON (Comment is required.) Then you MUST fill out this FORM. If you neglect to comment on the post or fill out the form, you will not be entered to win.

Extra Entries:
Not required. Extra entries are detailed on the entry form as well.
+1 Tweet this contest. (Leave a link.)
+1 Link this contest on your sidebar, in a post, or on FB. (Leave a link.)
Extra entries will not be awarded for following The Hiding Spot, but it's always appreciated!

Contest will close November 5th, 2010. Open to the US addresses only!

Good luck!


  1. Thanks for the giveway. Great interview.

  2. Great giveaway thank you so much for the chance!


Make sure you whisper, I'm hiding!