Title: Gone
Author: Michael Grant
Publisher: HarperCollins
Date Published:2008
Type of Book:Young Adult (Supernatural/Powers, Good and Evil, No adults)
From:local library
Interest/Reason for reading:plot
Ideas Expressed/Plot:From book jacket: "IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. EVERYONE DISAPPEARS. GONE. Except for the young. Teens. Middle schoolers. Toddlers. But not a single adult. No teachers, no cops, no doctors, no parents. And just as suddenly, there are no phones, no interent, no television. No way to figure out what's happened. And no way to get help.
Hunger threatens. Bullies rule. A sinister creature lurks. Animals are mutating. And the teens themselves are changing, developing new talents - unimaginable, dangerous, deadly powers - that grow stronger by the day.
It's a terrifying new world. Sides are being chosen, a fight is shaping up. Townies against rich kids. Bullies against the weak. Powerful against powerless. And time is running out: On your birthday, you will disappear just like everyone else."
Favorite Characters, Quotes/lines: Sam: he was definitely a fav character, usually I don't like reading from a male point-of-view, but Sam was so easy to relate to and so easy to root for!; Astrid: she was funny and even though she was super smart, very down-to-earth and real; all the kids of on the Good side: especially Mary, Albert, Edilio
When I finished reading:I was surprised at how much I liked this book - and how excited I am to read the next one. Usually I don't read books written by men - I mean, I have my favs like David Eddings and some others that write Fantasy, but I generally avoid male writers. Often I find their writing style not to my taste, but Grant is an amazing writer and he get the male and female POVs down perfectly.
This book not only deals with supernatural occurances, but, at the same time, deals with issues that teens deal with in everyday life (bulimia, adoption, single parents, minority, racism, school, work/jobs, siblings). All while dealing with the end of the world as these young people know it. It really is powerful stuff!
Other books by this author: Hunger, the continuation of Gone
I would recommend this book to:Girls and Guys, Supernatural fans, but it really could appeal to anyone with an imagination because it deals with so many other issues as well
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