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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Review: Blood Promise by Richelle Mead

Title: Blood Promise
Author: Richelle Mead
Publisher: Razorbill
Pub. Date: 2009
Genre: YA
Main Themes: Vampires, Dhampir, Supernatural, Love, Family, Friendship
Pages: 502
Plot (from book jacket):
"Bound by love, but sworn to kill...
The world thought Dimitri was dead. And to a certain extent, he was. But I hadn't been able to forget about a conversation he and I had once had. We'd both agreed that we'd rather be dead - truly dead - than walk the world as a Strigoi. It was time to honor our words.
Guardian Rose Hathaway's life will never be the same. The recent attack on St. Vladimir's Academy devastated the entire Moroi world. Many are dead. And, for the few victims carried off by the Strigoi, their fates are even worse. A rare tattoo now adorns Rose's neck; a mark that says she's killed far too many Strigoi to count
But only one victim matters... Dimitri Belikov. Rose must now choose one of two very different paths: honoring her life's vow to protect Lissa - her best friend and the last surviving Dragomir princess - or, dropping out of the Academy to strike out on her own and hunt down the man she loves. She'll have to go to the ends of the earth to find Dimitri and keep the promise he begged her to make. But the question is, when the time comes, will he want to be saved?
Now, with everything at stake - and worlds away from St. Vladimir's and her unguarded, vulnerable, and newly rebellious best friend - can Rose find the strength to destroy Dimitri? Or, will she sacrifice herself for a chance at eternal love?"

Blood Promise left me wanting, needing, more! Some people are over vampires, but I still absolutely love Richelle Mead's books! Blood Promise was an amazing continuation of the Vampire Academy books!

I always find it difficult to write reviews for books that are part of a series because I have a hard time writing around spoilers. That said, you can't fully appreciate Blood Promise unless you've read the first three Vampire Academy books. For that reason, this won't really be a review, but more of a recommendation to read the VA books!

I read the Vampire Academy last year shortly before the third book was released. I absolutely devoured it and rushed out to immediately buy the next two books (thankfully the third one was out at that point). I really hadn't expected to love these books as much as I do, but Richelle Mead's take on vampires is so refreshing and wonderfully imagined. The most notable aspect of these novels is that the main character isn't a vampire, she is dhampir, or a vampire guardian. I liked all the history that is involved in VA and how all the different characters and pieces of the story fit together.

My favorite part of the novels is the romance. I am a romance junkie and Vampire Academy is jam packed with sexual tension and tender moments. In many ways, I'd say that the VA books are more romance novels than vampire novels.

 I love those strong male leads and bad boys, but Rose, even though she falls head-over-feet, still holds her own: she doesn't need a guy to define her!

Ratings (Out of 10):
Plot: 10
Characters: 10
Writing: 10
Romance: 10
Originality: 10
Total: 50/50

The Vampire Academy novels are not to be missed! If you've read the first three novels and haven't gotten to Blood Promise yet, move it up on your to-be-read pile! I can't wait for the next novel, Spirit Bound, which will be out next year!