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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cover Reveal: Mortal Gods (Goddess War #2) by Kendare Blake

So I'm a huge fan of Kendare Blake and her books. I mean, really, she's awesome and so are her books... which is pretty great because, honestly, it is not always a given that skilled novelists are kind and fabulous people too! Last year I read, Antigoddess, the first installment of Kendare's Goddess Wars trilogy, which I loved. Not only did it have a stunning cover, the story - a striking combination of timeless mythology and a contemporary setting - wowed me. Check out my review for proof!

Obviously, I'm looking forward to book 2, Mortal Gods, which releases September 1st! When I found out that the publisher decided to change the cover art for the paperback version of Antigoddess, I was disappointed, but then it grew on me. There's a fierceness to this new cover - and the cover of the second book - that was missing from the original. I'm glad I have my hardcover copy with the original art to pet, but I'm happy with this new direction as well!

Okay, I've rambled enough! Check out the cover of Mortal Gods below... and don't forget to chime in down in the comments section with your thoughts!!

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Thoughts on the new paperback version of Antigoddess versus the original hardcover design?