The Interview:
Give a short description or statement about VINTAGE VERONICA that will lure in readers.
Veronica Walsh’s summer job at a vintage clothing store is a dream come true because she can spend her days separating the one-of-a-kind gem garments from the Dollar-a-Pound duds without having to deal with people. But when two outrageous salesgirls urge her to spy on a mysterious and awkward stock boy, Veronica’s summer takes a turn for the weird. She may have to come out of hiding and follow something even riskier for the first time: her heart.
What inspired Veronica’s story?
A vintage clothing store called The Garment District was my inspiration, and some of the details of The Clothing Bonanza, where Veronica works, definitely came from that. The story I wanted to tell, about feeling insecure and vulnerable and trying to hide from having to deal with other people, seemed particularly compelling in an unusual setting like this. I like the juxtaposition of trash-and-treasures clothing with the story of Veronica trying to figure out who and what to value, including herself.
Veronica is not a trusting person and, at the beginning of the novel, she has a difficult time letting people in. It is almost as if she doesn’t want to be noticed. At the same time, she has an outrageous fashion sense that most definitely turns heads. What do these opposing actions reveal about Veronica?
Ooo, good question! I think Veronica has this desire to reject people before they have a chance to reject her. So she dresses kind of in-your-face for two reasons: 1) she loves what she wears, so she stubbornly wears it even though she knows some people may laugh at her; and 2) being laughed at gives her an excuse to put up her guard and avoid real relationships. I applaud the first reason, but feel sad for the second one.
Veronica refers to the “awkward stock boy” where she works as “the Nail,” which was inspired by a song. How did you come to decide on this nickname for Len?
It was actually inspired by a song, just like Veronica says. But in my mind, “the nail” became the term for a person who lets other people walk all over them. So it fit Len really well. Although I think the reason Veronica hates to see Len act this way is because she knows she’s actually a lot like him.
Can you tell us anything about your next YA novels/projects?
I’m currently working on another novel, and I’m very excited about it, but I should probably leave it at that.
The Hiding Spot is dedicated to my personal hiding spot, books. What place, person, or activity is your personal hiding spot?
Definitely books. I think they are the best places to lose oneself! !
Go HERE to read my review of VINTAGE VERONICA.
And, if VV sounds like you're kind of novel, be sure to go HERE and enter for a chance to win your very own copy! The contest will run until April 15th and is only open to those will US and Canada mailing addresses.
Thank you, Erica, for taking the time to answer my questions and for donating a copy of the novel for one lucky winner! :)