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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Monthly Totals (April 2009)

Books Read: 30

Pages Read: 9,557

Favorite Book(s): Wake and Fade, Jellicoe Road, Audrey, Wait!, I’d Tell You I Love
You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You, Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

Least Favorite Book(s): Deadly Little Secret, Chasing Boys, So Inn Love

Rereads/Old Faves: The Truth About Forever, Just Listen

Review: The Comeback Season

Title: The Comeback Season
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Date published: 2008
Type of book: Young Adult (death, love, baseball, mixed families, illness)
Pages: 246
I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From book jacket: “The last place Ryan Walsh should be this afternoon is on a train heading to Wrigley Field. She should be in class, enduring yet another miserable day of her first year of high school. But for once, Ryan isn’t thinking about what she should be doing. She’s not worried about her lack of friends, or her suffering math grade, or how it’s been five whole years since the last time she was really and truly happy. Because she’s finally returning to the place that her father loved, where the two of them spent so many afternoons cheering on their team. And on this – the fifth anniversary of his death – it feels like there’s nowhere else in the world she should be.
Ryan is once again filled with hope as she makes her way to the game. Good luck is often hard to come by in place like Wrigley Field, but it’s on this day she meets Nick, the new kid from her school, who seems to love the Cubs nearly as much as she does. But Nick carries with him a secret that makes Ryan wonder if anyone can really escape their past, or believe in the promise of those reassuring words: “Wait till next year.” Is it too much for Ryan to hope that this year, this season, might be her comeback season?”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Ryan: I thought her actions were believable for someone who had lost their father, it was inspiring to see her transformation; Nick: he was an amazing character, such a full character (it makes me tear up jus to write about him)

When I finished this book I felt: It wasn’t at all what I expected, but it was amazing. It was a little bit romantic, a little bit angsty, a little bit heartbreaking, and a lot of awesomeness. It was an amazing breakout novel from Smith and I felt like she ended it on just the right note, but I wish that it could have gone on. And the ending wouldn’t have happened.

Other books to read by this author: This is Smith’s first book.

I would recommend this book to: Young Adult fans, with a passion for baseball and life lessons

Review: The Comeback Season

Review: Need

Title: Need
Author: Carrie Jones
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Date published: 2009
Type of book: Young Adult Supernatural (Pixies, Phobias, Were/Shifters, Death, Love)
Pages: 306
I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From book jacket: “Pain shoots through my head. Fireworks. Explosions. All inside my brain. The world goes dark and I know what’s about to happen. Zara White suspects there’s a freaky guy semi-stalking her. She’s also obsessed with phobias. And it’s true, she hasn’t exactly been herself since her stepfather died. But exiling her to shivery Maine to live with her grandmother? That seems a bit extreme. The move is supposed to help her stay sane… but Zara’s pretty sure her mom just can’t deal with her right now.
She couldn’t be more wrong. Turns out the semi-stalker is not a figment of Zara’s overactive imagination. In fact, he’s still following her, leaving behind an eerie trail of gold dust. There’s something not right – not human – in this sleepy Maine town, and all signs point to Zara.”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Nick: he was a dynamic character, I wish we had gotten to know him better; Devyn and Issie: I wish they were have had a bigger part in the novel

When I finished this book I felt: This book was good, and I’ll probably read the next one (if there is one), but it wasn’t something to rave about. Zara was an airhead – and not in a cute way. She kept putting herself in stupid situations; she must have taken after her mother who didn’t seem that bright either. The supernatural elements of this book were good, but it didn’t really seem fully developed. And, while some of the lines were funny, many of them, especially Zara’s, were pretty inane.

Other books to read by this author: this is Jones’ first novel

I would recommend this book to: I’m not really sure – Young Adult/Supernatural fans –but only if they have already read some better books (they should read this one if they’ve already read everything else.)

Review: Deadly Little Secret

Title: Deadly Little Secret
Author: Laurie Faria Stolarz
Publisher: Hyperion
Date published: 2008
Type of book: Young Adult (stalker, psychic powers, love)
Pages: 252
I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From book jacket: “SOME SECRETS SHOULDN’T BE KEPT… Until three months ago, everything about sixteen-year-old Camelia’s life had been fairly ordinary: decent grades; an okay relationship with her parents; and a pretty cool part-time job at the art studio downtown. But when Ben, the mysterious new guy, starts junior year at her high school, Camelia’s life becomes far from ordinary.
Rumored to be somehow responsible for his ex-girlfriend’s accidental death, Been is immediately ostracized by everyone on campus. Except for Camelia. She’s reluctant to believe the rumors, even when her friends try to convince her otherwise. Instead, she’s inexplicably drawn to Ben… and to his touch. But soon, Camelia is receiving eerie phone calls and strange packages with threatening notes. Ben insists she is in danger, and that he wants to help – but can he be trusted? She knows he’s hiding something… but he’s not the only with a secret.”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Ben: he was really intense and pretty well-adjusted for a guy with his issues

When I finished this book I felt: When I read the plot I thought that I would like this book. It had lots of elements that I usually like: romance, a major change, and a mystery. This book just wasn’t really that good though. Camelia ends up being stalked and her best friends basically just think that she’s imagining it or, if she is right, that the stalker must be Ben. All her best girl friend can talk about is the guys that Camelia should date. And Camelia doesn’t tell anyone (like her parents or the police) that someone is threatening and stalking her. Like the problem will just go away. When the identity of the stalker is discovered after Camelia finally is kidnapped and held hostage, everyone just accepts it calmly… And Ben is now a hot person that Camelia should date. Camelia seems to have just forgotten that she was stalked, tortured, and almost died: she’s just worried about dating Ben. The only character that seemed to have a brain was Ben. I was sorely disappointed by this book – I’m not sure I’ve ever liked a book less. I probably will read Deadly Little Lies when it comes out though, just to see what happens… The book ends kind of abruptly. The bright spots that the book did have were Ben’s powers and Ben and Camelia’s chemistry. I’d like to read about happens with those two aspects of the plot. The reactions to the stalking were just pretty ridiculous.

Other books to read by this author: Blue Is for Nightmares, White is for Magic, Silver Is for Secrets, Red Is for Remembrance, Project 17, Bleed, and Deadly Little Lies (coming soon)

I would recommend this book to: People who like the author’s other books, unless this book is just an unnaturally bad book

Monday, April 27, 2009

Review: FADE

Title: Fade
Author: Lisa McMann
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Date published: 2009
Type of book: Teen fiction (Lucid dreams, sexual abuse, teacher/student relationships, love, undercover)
Pages: 248
I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: sequel to Wake

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From inside jacket: “SOME NIGHTMARES NEVER END. For Janie and Cabel, real life is getting tougher than the dreams. They’re just trying to carve out a little (secret) time together, but no such luck.
Disturbing things are happening at Fieldridge High, yet nobody’s talking. When Janie taps into a classmate’s violent nightmares, the case finally breaks open – but nothing goes as planned. Not even close. Janie’s in way over her head, and Cabe’s shocking behavior has grave consequences for both of them.
Worse yet, Janie learns the truth about herself and her ability – and it’s bleak. Seriously, brutally bleak. Not only is her fate as a dream catcher sealed, but what’s to come is way darker than she’d feared.”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Janie: her strength is amazing…She’s an amazing lead character; Cabel: I love his concern for Janie – that kind of love is what every girl wants… he had some amazing parts in the book where his emotion was so strong; Captain: I really like how she is there for Janie

When I finished this book I felt: First off, Janie and Cabe’s relationship is so addicting. They are both such strong and conflicted characters that their relationship explodes… there scenes together are tense or passionate or both. I love them together. I really love McMann’s writing style; it’s short and choppy and totally suits the story. I also like that she takes on really intense subjects without weighing down the story… it’s a perfect balance.

Other books to read by this author: Janie’s story is continued in Gone, but I’m not sure when it comes out.

I would recommend this book to: Supernatural fans

Review: Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac

Title: Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
Author: Gabrielle Zevin
Publisher: FSG
Date published: 2007
Type of book: Teen fiction (amnesia, love, suicide, divorce, mixed families)
Pages: 271
I received this book from/at: Amazon Marketplace
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From inside cover: “If Naomi had picked tails, she would have won the coin toss.
She wouldn’t have had to go back for the yearbook camera, and she wouldn’t have hit her head on the steps.
She certainly would have remembered her boyfriend, Ace. She might even have remembered why she fell in love with him in the first place.
She would understand why her best friend, Will, keeps calling her “Chief.” She’d get all his inside jokes, and maybe he wouldn’t be so frustrated with her for forgetting things she can’t possibly remember.
She’d know about her mom’s new family.
She’d know about her dad’s fiancée.
She wouldn’t have to spend her junior year relearning all the French she supposedly already knew.
She never would have met James, the boy with the questionable past and the even fuzzier future, who tells her he once wanted to kiss her.
She wouldn’t have wanted to kiss him back.
But Naomi picked heads.”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Naomi: Don’t get me wrong, she was frustrating at times and I even envied her in ways. It may seem like something horrible to lose your memory, but in ways, it was the best thing that could have happened to Naomi; Will: he was really funny and I totally wanted a mix cd from him! It always seems like the person who is right in front of you is the easiest to ignore (poor Will); James: he was really… interesting. I think he showed Naomi how lucky she was to have the life she did and why her amnesia wasn’t necessarily a bad thing

When I finished this book I felt: It wasn’t what I was expecting – it was better. It was surprisingly deep, which wasn’t really the impression I got from the book jacket. I also really liked the references to music in the book…. Some of my favorites were mentioned.

Other books to read by this author: Elsewhere

I would recommend this book to: It is a book that I would recommend to just about anyone, but not really as light reading, even though it is a short book. So I guess it is light, but the content isn’t. ;)

Review: City of Glass (Mortal Instruments bk 3)

Title: City of Glass
Author: Cassandra Clare
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Date published: 2009
Type of book: Fantasy/SciFi
Pages: 541
I received this book from/at: Walden Books
My interest in this book is: the final installment of the Mortal Instruments Trilogy

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From the inside cover: “To save her mother’s life, Clary must travel to the City of Glass, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunter – never mind that entering the city without permission is against the Law, and breaking the Law could mean death. To make things worse, she learns that Jace does not want her there, and Simon has been thrown in prison by the Shadowhunters, who are deeply suspicious of a vampire who can withstand sunlight.
As Clary uncovers more about her family’s past, she finds in ally in mysterious Shadowhunter Sebastian. With Valentine mustering the full force of his power to destroy all the Shadowhunters forever, their only chance to defeat him is to fight alongside with their eternal enemies. But can Downworlders and Shadowhunters put aside their hatred to work together? While Jace realizes exactly how much he’s willing to risk for Clary, can she harness her newfound powers to help save the Glass City – whatever the cost?”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Clary: I felt like she wasn’t really a main focus in this book for some reason, but the parts she was in were good…. She and Jace were addicting; Jace: I really felt for him and his inner struggle – even if part of it wasn’t really true at all (just self-hatred); Simon: he really matured in this book…

When I finished this book I felt: I LOVED LOVED LOVED the ending to this book. So often trilogies and series will end and the reader will be saying “What the heck?” – but Clare really wrapped up the book nicely. That isn’t to say that I didn’t wish there was more. I would have liked to skip ahead a few years and see what was going on with the characters. I did like how Luke and Jocelyn’s love was long-lasting – it hints of good things in the future for Clary and Jace! I’d also like to mention, that for an author that puts out a book a year, Clare is an amazing author. There are authors that have huge gaps between books and can’t write or tell a story nearly as well as Clare. She’s incredible!

Other books to read by this author: The Clockwork Princess will come out in Spring 2010 (I think)

I would recommend this book to: All fantasy/scifi fans… It really was an amazing trilogy!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Review: City of Ashes (Mortal Instruments bk 2)

Title: The City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments bk 2)
Author: Cassandra Clare
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Date published: 2008
Type of book: Fantasy/Scifi
Pages: 453
I received this book from/at: Walden Books
My interest in this book is: plot, second book in the Mortal Instruments trilogy

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From the back cover: “A MURDERER IS LOOSE IN NEW YORK CITY… and the victims are Downworlder children. Clary Fray and her fellow Shadowhunters have a strong suspicion that Valentine, Clary’s father, may be behind the killings. But if he is the murderer, then what’s his true motive? To make matters worse, the second of the Mortal Instruments, the Soul-Sword, has been stolen, and the mysterious Inquisitor has arrived to investigate, with his eyes vigilantly targeted on Clary’s brother, Jace.
Clary will need to face some terrifying demons and even more terrifying family decisions. No one said that the life of a Shadowhunter would be easy.”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Clary: the only thing that bothered me in this book was her dating Simon, but I understand why she did… to me it was like Twilight’s Bella dating Jacob (kind of icky); Simon: funny as usual, but dark as well… I’m glad that he found a way into the new world Clary is a part of…. Otherwise I think he would have had to be left behind; Jace: he is so dark and brooding, I just wanted him and Clary to find a way to be together…; Alec and Magnus: they are entertaining… and I like how they are have so many dimensions for minor characters

When I finished this book I felt: NEED CITY OF GLASS NOW! That’s basically all I could think after I finished City of Ashes. I wanted to know what the Inquisitor meant when she saw Jace’s scar…. What the Faerie Queen meant about the blood in Jace’s veins… What Valentine meant when he said something about his first son… So many unanswered questions! Also I was thinking about how comforting fantasy books are… they have a set formula of good versus evil, good prevailing, and the main heroes coming together in the end. I know everything will work out in these books because everything always works out in these types of books. And I love knowing that and then reading to find out how it will all come together in the end. Also, there are an uncommon number of love triangles in these books.

Other books to read by this author: City of Glass, The Clockwork Princess (2010), The Clockwork Prince (2011)

I would recommend this book to: everyone!

Review: City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments bk 1)

Title: The City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments bk 1)
Author: Cassandra Clare
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Date published: 2007
Type of book: Teen fantasy/scifi (romance, vampires, Shadowhunters, demons, werewolves)
Pages: 485
I received this book from/at: Walden Books
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “THEIR HIDDEN WORLD IS ABOUT TO BE REVEALED… When fifteen-year old Clary Fray heads out to Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder – much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Clary knows she should call the police, but it’s hard to explain a murder when the body disappears into thin air and the murderers are invisible to everyone but Clary.
Equally startled by her ability to see them, the murderers explain themselves as Shadowhunters: a secret tribe of warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. Within twenty-four hours, Clary’s mother disappears and Clary herself is almost killed by a grotesque demon.
But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundane like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know…

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Clary: I liked her prickliness, it seemed to draw in and instead of keep other characters out… like Jace; Simon: he was very funny and very nerdy (two of my very favorite qualities!), I was glad that he was Clary’s best friend (and no more); Jace: he is the type of guy that I always love in books… tough on the outside, but all mush on the inside… and I love that only Clary really sees this side of him. I’m totally rooting for them!

When I finished this book I felt: I finished this book in one day (in between waiting on people at Subway mostly…) then I finished it at home and read City of Ashes right away that night. That’s how good these books are. If I owned City of Glass I would have read that one directly after the first two. There are some books that draw you in and just don’t let you go until you know every twist and every character inside and out and The Mortal Instruments series are those kinds of books. They are addictive. I honestly cannot imagine what I would have done if I finished City of Bones and then had to wait for City of Ashes and Glass to come out… I probably would have gone insane…

Other books to read by this author: City of Ashes, City of Glass, The Infernal Devices (a trilogy to be published that will be a set of prequels to the Mortal Instuments trilogy)

I would recommend this book to: Fantasy/scifi lovers… girls and guys!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Review: The Truth About Forever

Title: The Truth About Forever
Author: Sarah Dessen
Publisher: Speak
Date published: 2004
Type of book: Young Adult (love, catering, death/grief, truth)
Pages: 374
I received this book from/at: Walden Books
My interest in this book is: author and plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “A LONG, HOT SUMMER… That’s what sixteen-year-old Macy Queen has to look forward to. Her boyfriend, Jason, is going away to Brain Camp. She’s stuck with a dull-as-dishwater job at the library. !And all of her free time promises to be spent studying for the SATs or grieving silently with her mother over her father’s death.
But everything changes when Macy is corralled into helping out at one of her mother’s open house events, and she meets the chaotic Wish Catering crew. Before long, Macy ditches her library job and joins up with the Wish gang: bighearted Delia; quiet, introspective Monica; and fun-loving, fashion-conscious Kristy. But best of all, there’s Wes – artistic, insightful, and understanding Wes – and gets Macy to look at life in a whole new way…

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Macy: I can relate to her in ways when it comes to trying to be perfect… and I was totally rooting for her to break free of her mother’s control and her grief…; Wes: All of Dessen’s lead guy characters are AMAZING… Wes is probably my favorite next to Dexter though!; Kristy, Monica, Delia, and Bert

When I finished this book I felt: I love this book… and every time I read it I love it more. This was my third time reading it and every time I notice something new to love about it. I especially like this book though because I am a waitress for a catering company and find a lot of aspects of catering to correspond to situations in the book… which makes them funnier. And I love the idea of a relationship like Macy and Wes’s…

Other books to read by this author: This Lullaby, Dreamland, Keeping the Moon, Just Listen, Someone Like You

I would recommend this book to: Anyone… this book has no age limits… and I think anyone would enjoy it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Review: Thrill Ride

Title: Thrill Ride
Author: Rachel Hawthorne
Publisher: HarperTeen
Date published: 2006
Type of book: Chick Lit (Romance, theme parks, weddings, long-distance relationships)
Pages: 313 pgs
I received this book from/at: Amazon Marketplace
My interest in this book is: plot, author

Ideas expressed/message/plot: When Texas girl Megan Connolly has decided to take a summer job at Thrill Ride, a theme park by Lake Erie, far from her wedding planning family and her boyfriend, she doesn’t expect to meet someone like Parker. Parker is upfront about his attraction to her, but Megan is only interested in being friends… but this proves to be harder said than done. Especially when being with Parker is so easy, especially when he makes her laugh. Especially when her boyfriend doesn’t really seem to care what is going on in her life… and Parker does.

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Megan: She really didn’t have much of a chance against Parker ; Parker: I liked his protectiveness

When I finished this book I felt: It was a cute book… not my favorite by Hawthorne, but definitely worth reading. Theme parks just aren’t really my thing and Megan’s boyfriend was really annoying. I didn’t like how she “loved” him and couldn’t be with anyone else when they’ve only been together for three months.

Other books to read by this author: see past posts

I would recommend this book to: readers who want a fluffy teen romance to read

Review: Snowed In

Title: Snowed In
Author: Rachel Hawthorne
Publisher: HarperTeen
Date published: 2008
Type of book: Chick lit (romance, divorce, island life, winter, Michigan)
Pages: 261 pgs
I received this book from/at: Amazon Marketplace
My interest in this book is: plot, author, fluffy romance

Ideas expressed/message/plot: Ashleigh Sneaux and her mother decide to move from Texas to a wintry island in the Great Lakes to start their own Bed and Breakfast. Ashleigh is running from her father’s impending marriage to a new woman, but is finding it a bit hard to warm up to the island, literally and figuratively. She’s missing her best friend back in Texas and feeling some conflict over her no relationships rule. Josh Wynter has somehow found a way to melt her heart; which is a problem because he already has a girlfriend….

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Ashleigh: I liked that she has a real reason to not have a serious relationship, she wasn’t just randomly averse to dating; Josh: I felt bad for him because he really didn’t want to hurt his girlfriend even though he knew that their relationship didn’t have much substance.

When I finished this book I felt: I was really cute and I got kind of into it because it takes place on Mackinaw Island, which isn’t very far from where I live. So I could totally imagine what the island was like and how cold the winters are. I can imagine coming from Texas would be a big shock for Ashleigh.

Other books to read by this author: Thrill Ride, Caribbean Cruising, Love on the Lifts, The Boyfriend Game, Island Girls (and Boys)

I would recommend this book to: anyone looking for a romantic little pick-me-up, nothing deep but lots of fun

Review: Chasing Boys

Title: Chasing Boys
Author: Karen Tayleur
Publisher: Walker
Date published: 2007
Type of book: teen fiction
I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From book jacket: “HER DAD HAS BEEN GONE for more than a year now, and El Marini’s former life of comfort and affluence has been reduced to the following: 1. Trying to fit in at her giant public school, where she’s just one of the masses 2. Ignoring her mother’s requests to befriend a Group of Nice Young People 3. Wasting one hour per week not talking to her shrink, Leonard, about all the things on her mind.
This new life has required the invention of an entirely different El. Now she’s one of those girls who always wear black, doodles in her notebook during class, and would never be caught dead at a school-sponsored event.
The one thing that makes it all bearable is the completely gorgeous Eric Callahan. She’ll do anything to get his attention, even if it means sacrificing part of herself. But as her crush on Erick reaches epic proportions, she meets Dylan – who is both unnerving and annoying for reasons El can’t quite explain.”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Dylan: he was an interesting character, but he didn’t really play a big a role in the plot line as I thought he should have

When I finished this book I felt: It was a big disappointment…I’m actually won’t recommend it to anyone. My main problem with it is the fact that it didn’t really have a point. It ended without resolving and issues and wasn’t satisfying at all.

Other books to read by this author: She’s written some books for younger readers, this is her first young adult novel.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Confessions of a Book Buying Maniac

Today I went to my local bookstore and browsed. I decided to get:
City of Bones and
City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
I've heard lots of good things about this series so I finally picked up the first two because they are in paperback.
Just a side note, the cashiers there totally remarked on how often I buy books there. :s And I don't even buy books there that much. So maybe a I really am a maniac... but I will not apologize! :)

Review: Willow

Title: Willow
Author: Julia Hoban
Publisher: Dial
Date published: April 2009
Type of book: Teen fiction (cutting, grief, first love, orphan)
Pages: 329
I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: “SEVEN MONTHS AGO on a rainy, March night, Willow’s parents drank too much at dinner and asked her to drive them home. But they never made it – Willow lost control of the car, and both of her parents were killed.
Now seventeen, Willow is living with her older brother, who can barely speak to her. She has let behind her old home, friends, and school. But Willow has found a way to survive, to numb the new reality of her life: She is secretly cutting herself.
And then she meets Guy, a boy as sensitive and complicated as she is. When Guy discovers Willow’s secret, he pulls her out of the solitary world she’s created for herself, and into a difficult, intense, and potentially life-changing relationship.

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Willow; Guy: He really cared about her… and he was real – he didn’t stay happy when Willow was being an idiot like some author’s make characters do

When I finished this book I felt: It was a really good story, but I’m not sure I like how Hoban wrote the book. I think I might have liked it better in first person rather than third; I found it kind of distracting. Other than that, I really enjoyed this book.

Other books to read by this author: this is the author’s first book

I would recommend this book to: teen readers… but they should keep in mind that a main theme of the book is cutting… and for people like me (who have weak stomachs) parts of the story might be a bit difficult to read. But there aren’t very many parts like this in the book.

Review: Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

Title: Jellicoe Road
Author: Melina Marchetta
Publisher: HarperTeen
Date published: 2006
Type of book: Teen fiction (orphans, boarding school)
Pages: 419
I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: plot, author

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From book jacket: “ ‘What do you want from me?’ he asks. What I want from every person in my life, I want to tell him. More.” “Abandoned by her mother on Jellicoe Road when she was eleven, Taylor Markham, now seventeen, is finally being confronted with her past. But as the reluctant leader of her boarding school dorm, there isn’t a lot of time for introspection. And while, Hannah, the closest adult Taylor has to family, has disappeared, Jonah Griggs is back in town, moody stares and all.
In this absorbing story by Melina Marchetta, nothing is as it seems and every clue leads to more questions as Taylor tries to work out the connection between her mother dumping her, Hannah finding her then and her sudden departure now, a mysterious stranger who once whispered something in her ear, a boy in her dreams, five kids who lived on Jellicoe Road eighteen years ago, and the maddening and magnetic Jonah Griggs, who knows her better than she thinks he does. If Taylor can put together the pieces of her past, she might just be able to change her future.”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Taylor: she was a really interesting character and I really felt for her and wanted to find out what was going on with her past; Jonah: I was excited every time he came into the book… the tension between him and Taylor was amazing; Chaz (Santangelo): he was funny and deep at the same time; the kids from the past: I was seriously addicted to their story

When I finished this book I felt: I LOVE THIS BOOK! I usually can’t name a book as my favorite, but Jellicoe Road might be it. I have never been so excited and addicted to a book before. I read it in one sitting and was so into the book that I sobbed at the end. The characters, the plot, the emotion… everything about this book is AMAZING!

Other books to read by this author: Saving Francesca, Looking for Alibrandi, Finnikin of the Rock

I would recommend this book to: I am recommending this book to EVERYONE! I may even force them to read it. I’m not even kidding.

Review: Wherever Nina Lies

Title: Wherever Nina Lies
Author: Lynn Weingarten
Publisher: Point
Date published: 2009
Type of book: Teen Fiction
Pages: 316

I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From book jacket: “HAVE YOU SEEN NINA? Nina was beautiful, artistic, and wild… and adored by her younger sister, Ellie. But one day, without any warning, Nina disappeared.
Two years later, Ellie can’t stop thinking about her sister. Although everyone else has given up hope that Nina will return, Ellie just knows her sister is out there, somewhere. If only Ellie had a clue where to look.
And then she gets one, in the form of a mysterious drawing tucked into the pages of a book. Determined to find her sister, Ellie takes off on a crazy, sexy, cross-country road trip with the only person who believes she’s got a chance – her hot, adventurous new crush.
Along the way, Ellie finds a few things she wasn’t planning on. Like love. Mysteries. Lies. And something far more shocking… the truth.”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Ellie; Nina: I liked her even when she wasn’t around… she was so full of life

When I finished this book I felt: I was really surprised by this book; it wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. And it had a definite twist… I had guessed some it, but didn’t even come close to guessing the whole.

Other books to read by this author: this is her first book.

I would recommend this book to: anyone… it isn’t really a book that would be limited to one type of reader… teen and older though. It has some aspects that some younger readers might find troubling... I suppose it depends on the reader.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Confessions of a Book Buying Maniac

I placed an Amazon order the other night... I went to Barnes and Noble and it all went downhill from there. But, I'm super excited about these books!

Need by Carrie Jones
Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Faria Stolarz
The Comeback Season by Jennifer E. Smith
Fade by Lisa McMann
Thrill Ride by Rachel Hawthorne
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin
Snowed In by Rachel Hawthorne

An Old Favorite

Title: Just Listen
Author: Sarah Dessen
Publisher: Viking
Date published: 2006
Type of book: Teen fiction (romance, eating disorders, music, rape)

I received this book from/at: Walden Books
My interest in this book is: plot, author

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From book jacket: “Annabel Greene is the girl who has everything. At least that’s who she plays in the commercial for Kopf’s Department Store: top student, popular cheerleader, dazzling prom queen surrounded by friends. In real life, though, Annabel is the girl who has nothing: no best friend since her friendship with mean-but-exciting Sophie ended with malicious rumors flying, no peace at home while her older sister’s eating disorder occupies the family, and no ability to tell anyone what’s on her mind.
And then she meets Owen Armstrong - intense, obsessed with music, and determined to always tell the truth, no matter what the consequences.
Can a girl who hates confrontation find a way to connect with a guy who thrives on it? And can Annabel find the courage to tell what really happened the night she and Sophie stopped being friends?”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Annabel: I could identify with her inability to say what she really thought or was feeling – I think that is a pressure that many people feel; Owen: I thought he was an interesting character… it isn’t often that people, in books and in reality, are honest and straightforward, he was good for Annabel; Whitney and Kirsten: I really understood their relationship with one another… it reminded me of me and my younger sister in ways

When I finished this book I felt: Sarah Dessen, once again, doesn’t fail. I really related to this book, even though I haven’t experienced many of the issues in the book (like rape/assault). The emotions and thoughts of the characters are what readers can relate to.

Other books to read by this author: This Lullaby, The Truth About Forever, Dreamland, Someone Like You, Lock and Key, Keeping the Moon, Along for the Ride (out in June)

I would recommend this book to: all young adult readers!

Review: Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

Title: Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy
Author: Ally Carter
Publisher: Hyperion
Date published: 2007
Type of book: Teen fiction (romance and spies)
I received this book from/at: Walden Books
My interest in this book is: plot, sequel to I’d Tell You I Love You but Then I’d Have to Kill You
Ideas expressed/message/plot: From book jacket: “After staking out, obtaining, and then being forced to give up her first boyfriend, Josh, all Cammie Morgan wants in a peaceful semester. But that’s easier said than done when you’re a CIA legacy and go to the premier school in the world… for spies.
Cammie may have a genius I.Q., but there are still a lot of things she doesn’t know. Like, will her ex-boyfriend even remember she exists? And how much trouble is she really in after what happened last semester? And most of all, why is her mother acting so strangely?
Despite Cammie’s best intentions to be a normal student, danger seems to follow her. She and her friends learn that their school is going to play host to some mysterious guests – code name: Blackthorne. Then she’s blamed for the security breach that leaves the school’s top secret status at risk.
Soon Cammie and her friends are crawling through walls and surveilling the school to learn the truth about Blackthorne and clear Cammie’s name. Even though they have confidence in their spy skills, this time the targets are tougher (and hotter), and the stakes for Cammie’s heart – and her beloved school – are higher than ever.”
Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Cammie: she is hilarious!; Zach: very funny guy… he is good competition for Cammie, I hope he’s in the next book; Bex, Macey, and Liz: they come up with some pretty crazy ideas… very distinct personalities, even as minor characters
When I finished this book I felt: I can’t wait for the next one, Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover! It doesn’t come out for a few more months and I am very impatient! I laugh out loud sometimes when I’m reading these books…
Other books to read by this author: I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You, Don’t Judge a Girl by her Cover
I would recommend this book to: young adult readers who like romance and espionage!

Review: Wondrous Strange

Title: Wondrous Strange
Author: Lesley Livingston
Publisher: HarperTeen
Date published: 2009
Type of book: Teen Fiction, Supernatural (Faeries)

I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From book jacket: For seventeen-year-old actress Kelley Winslow, faeries are just something from childhood stories. Then she meets Sonny Flannery, whose steel-gray eyes mask an equally steely determination to protect her.
Sonny guards the Samhain Gate, which connects the mortal realm with the Faerie’s enchanted, dangerous Otherworld. Usually kept shut by order of icy King Auberon, the Gate stands open but once a year.
This year, as the time approaches when the Samhain Gate will swing wide and nightmarish Fae will fight their way into an unsuspecting Human world, something different is happening… something wondrous and strange. And Kelley’s eyes are opening not just to the Faerie that surround her but to the heritage that awaits her.
Now Kelley must navigate deadly Faerie treachery – and her growing feelings for Sonny – in this dazzling page-turner filled with luminous romance.”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Sonny: I like it when the guy love interests are protective…!

When I finished this book I felt: I was a bit disappointed. I did like it, but it wasn’t as amazing as I thought it would be. For a first novel I thought it was good… but I’ve read better books… nothing about this one really stuck with me.

Other books to read by this author: this is the author’s first book

I would recommend this book to: teen supernatural romance readers

Monday, April 13, 2009

Review: I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Title: I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You
Author: Ally Carter
Publisher: Hyperion
Date published: 2006
Type of book: Teen fiction/romance/espionage

I received this book from/at: Walden Books
My interest in this book is: plot (I’m an Alias lover!)

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “Cammie Morgan is a student at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women, a fairly typical all-girls school – typical, that is, if every school taught advanced martial arts in PE and the latest in chemical warfare in science, and the students received extra credit for breaking CIA codes in computer class. The Gallagher Academy might claim to be a school for geniuses, but it’s really a school for spies.
Even though Cammie is fluent in fourteen languages and capable of killing a man seven different ways with her bare hands, she has no idea what to do when she meets an ordinary boy who thinks she’s an ordinary girl. Sure, she can tap his phone, hack into his computer, or track him through town with the sill of a real “pavement artist” – but can she maneuver a relationship with someone who can never know the truth about her?”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Cammie: I thought she was really funny and spies are awesome!; Josh: totally worth sneaking out of Gallagher for!, Macey, Bex, and Liz: awesome partners in crime and friends…

When I finished this book I felt: I really liked it… it was an easy read, with lots of comedy, romance, and espionage!

Other books to read by this author: Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

I would recommend this book to: Lovers of spies, romance, and teen fiction

Review: Wake

Title: Wake
Author: Lisa McMann
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Date published: 2008
Type of book: Supernatural/Romance/Teen

I received this book from/at: Barnes and Noble
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “NOT ALL DREAMS ARE SWEET. For seventeen-year-old Janie, getting sucked into other people’s dreams is getting old. Especially the falling dreams, the naked-but-nobody-notices dreams, and the sex-crazed dreams. Janie’s seen enough fantasy booty to last her a lifetime.
She can’t tell anybody about what she does – they’d never believe her, or worse, they’d think she’s a freak. So Janie lives on the fringe, cursed with an ability she doesn’t want and can’t control.
Then she falls into a gruesome nightmare, one that chills her to the bone. For the first time, Janie is more than a witness to someone else’s twisted psyche. She is a participant…

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Janie: I was inspired by attitude and work/school ethics in spite of her mother’s lack of interest and horrible parenting; Cabel: I really liked his character, he was so caring and protective of Janie… and I liked the twist about his character. He’s definitely a dynamic character!

When I finished this book I felt: I can’t wait to read FADE, the sequel to WAKE. This book was amazing! It was such a quick read, only 210 pages, but it was surprisingly deep. One of my new favorite books!

Other books to read by this author: FADE, GONE (due out in Spring 2010)

I would recommend this book to: teen romance fans that like a paranormal/supernatural twist!

Review: Some Girls Bite

Title: Some Girls Bite: A Chicagoland Vampires Novel
Author: Chloe Neill
Publisher: New American Library (Penguin)
Date published: April 2009
Type of book: Supernatural/Vampire

I received this book from/at: Waldens
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “THEY KILLED ME. THEY HEALED ME. THEY CHANGED ME. Sure, the life of a graduate student wasn’t exactly glamorous, but it was mine. I was doing fine until Chicago’s vampires announced their existence to the world – and then a rogue vampire attacked me. But he got only a sip before he was scared away by another bloodsucker… and this one decided the best way to save my life was to make me the walking undead.
Turns out my savior was the master vampire of Cadogan House. Now I’ve traded sweating over my dissertation for learning to fit in at a Kenwood mansion full of vamps loyal to Ethan “Lord o’ the Manor” Sullivan. Of course, as a tall, green-eyed, four-hundred-year-old vampire, he has centuries’ worth of charm, but unfortunately he expects my gratitude – and servitude. Right…
But my burgeoning powers (all of a sudden, I’m surprisingly handy with some serious weaponry), an inconvenient sunlight allergy, and Ethan’s attitude are the least of my concerns. Someone’s still out to get me. Is it the rogue vampire who bit me? A vamp from a rival house? An angry mob bearing torches?
My intuition into Chicago’s nightlife may be the first skirmish in a war… and there will be blood.”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Merit: I thought she was funny and spunky; Catcher: he was awesome!; Mallory: a lot of times the best friends kind of suck, Mallory was a good one!; Ethan: I liked him and hated him at the same time – he was so arrogant and should have acted more “human” with his emotions at times…

When I finished this book I felt: I’ll read the next book for sure…. There are books that I liked better, but I have a feeling that the sequel is going to be really good because the scene is already set from the first book.

Other books to read by this author: this is her first book

Review: Cracked Up to Be

Title: Cracked Up to Be
Author: Courtney Summers
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Date published: 2009
Type of book: teen fiction,drama

I received this book from/at: Walden Books
My interest in this book is: plot, reviews

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “WHAT’S THE WORST THING YOU’VE EVER DONE? When “Perfect” Parker Fadley starts drinking at school and failing her classes, all the St. Peter’s High goes on alert. How has the cheerleading captain, girlfriend of the most popular girl in school, consummate teacher’s pet, and future valedictorian fallen so far from grace?
Parker doesn’t want to talk about it. She’d just like to be left alone, to disappear, to be ignored. But her parents have placed her on suicide watch and her counselors are demanding the truth. Worse, there’s a nice guy falling in love with her and he’s making her feel things again when she’d really rather not be feeling anything at all.
Nobody would have guessed she’d turn out like this. But nobody knows the truth.
Something horrible has happened, and I just might be her fault.

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Parker: I read in a review that Parker was a lot like Veronica Mars… and I’d have to agree, that was actually one of my favorite aspects of the book, I also really liked how Summers was so realistic about Parker’s guilt; Jake: I was definitely rooting for him!; Chris: He was really caring and composed considering what had been happening between him and Parker, etc.

When I finished this book I felt: This book was really intense… it wasn’t what I expected, but it was really, really good. It made was deep, it was emotional, and it was entertaining: all at the same time.

Other books to read by this author: this is her first novel

I would recommend this book to: everyone… it really is appropriate for all readers (above elementary school for the most part…)

Confessions of a Book Buying Maniac

I, of course, have recently gone book shopping. I got some books that have been out for awhile that I've been looking at, but not sure about...

Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler
Some Girls Bite by Chloe Neill
I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter
Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy by Ally Carter
Witch Season by Jeff Mariotte

I'm starting reading them right away!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Review: So Inn Love

Title: So Inn Love
Author: Catherine Clark
Publisher: HarperCollins
Date published: 2007
Type of book: teen chick lit

I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: author, plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: from back cover: Reservations? Yes. A couple. Like: Is Hayden really as interested in me as I am in him? And is my roommate right—should I "beware of hookups"? Confirmation? Doubtful. Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you said "commitment." Special Requests? Let me get through this summer without being fired and heartbroken. Let me fall in love this summer. Let me be part of the inn crowd.

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Liza: I liked her and understood her love of the ocean… even though I’m more of a lake girl myself, I also liked how she stuck up for herself when Hayden was being a jerk. Hayden: I kind of liked how he had some issues…. And that he had to overcome some things to get Liza!

When I finished this book I felt: I definitely wasn’t my favorite Catherine Clark book, The Alison Rules, Frozen Rodeo, and Truth or Dairy are much, much better! I also felt like the plot kind of dragged on… I probably will forget about it in a couple weeks…

Other books to read by this author: Icing on the Lake, Frozen Rodeo, The Alison Rules, Maine Squeeze, Truth or Dairy

I would recommend this book to: not really sure… but I’d probably only recommend it if they read all the better books on my book shelf first… or all of Clark’s other books!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Review: Labor of Love

Title: Labor of Love
Author: Rachel Hawthorne
Publisher: HarperCollins
Date published: 2008
Type of book: teen chick lit

I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: author, plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “TO DO: Investigate the French Quarter, Buy new hammer, stop worrying that hard hat is going to ruin my hair, stop thinking about ex-boyfriend. No guys this summer!, Find some cool jazz clubs to visit later, get psychic reading with Jenna and Amber, get Jenna and Amber to stop talking about psychic readings, the cute guy the psychic said I would meet, and the cute guy I just met. NO guys this summer!!, Throw self into work, STOP THINKING ABOUT THE CUTE GUY!

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Brady: he was so cute… and he put up with Dawn (I thought she was a bit rude to him…kind of annoying.)

When I finished this book I felt: I really like Rachel Hawthorne’s books! I thought that they would be really cheesy, but I actually find myself enjoying them… and wishing I was the main character! I really like the fact that Hawthorne is so realistic. She doesn’t skirt around topics like partying and sex… they appear in her books without being overwhelming. Labor of Love wasn’t my favorite of Hawthorne’s but it is definitely worth reading… after Caribbean Cruising. 

Other books to read by this author: Caribbean Cruising, Island Girls (and Boys), Love on the Lifts, Thrill Ride, The Boyfriend League, Snowed In

I would recommend this book to: fans of teen chick lit

Review: Caribbean Cruising

Title: Caribbean Cruising
Author: Rachel Hawthorne
Publisher: Avon
Date published: 2004
Type of book: teen chick lit

I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: plot, author

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From inside: “On a Caribbean cruise, eighteen-year-old Lindsay’s to-do list includes having a one night stand, but when her wealthy new stepfather introduces his gorgeous godson as her traveling buddy, things become complicated.

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Lindsay: I liked her, even though sometimes she was annoying because of her obsession with the fact that Ryan was her stepfather’s godson (it really wasn’t that big of a deal); Ryan: he was really, really cute. I liked his protectiveness and how he did so many unexpectedly nice things. I don’t know many girls who wouldn’t have fallen for him

When I finished this book I felt: Caribbean Cruising was a quick, light read, but I really enjoyed it. Hawthorne is good at allowing her readers to form a connection to the characters in a relatively short amount of time. I’ll definitely be reading her other books… and dreaming about taking a cruise of my own!

Other books to read by this author: Moonlight, Labor of Love, Snowed In, Thrill Ride, Love on the Lifts, The Boyfriend League, Island Girls (and Boys)

I would recommend this book to: young adult chick lit readers looking for a quick, romance-filled read

Review: The Book of Luke

Title: The Book of Luke
Author: Jenny O’Connell
Publisher: MTVBooks
Date published: 2007
Type of book: teen fiction

I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “Emily Abbott has always been considered the Girl Most Likely to Be Nice – but lately being ice hasn’t done her any good. Her parents have decided to move the family from Chicago back to their hometown of Boston in the middle of Emily’s senior year. Only Emily’s first real boyfriend, Sean, is in Chicago, and so is her shot at class valedictorian and early admission to the Ivy League. What’s a nice girl to do?
Then Sean dumps Emily on moving day and her father announces that he’s staying behind in Chicago “to tie up loose ends,” and Emily decides that what a nice girl needs to do is stop being nice.
She reconnects with her best friends in Boston, Josie and Lucy, only to discover that they too have been on the receiving end of some glaring Guy Don’ts. So when the girls have to come up with something to put in the senior class time capsule, they know exactly what to do. They’ll create a not-so-nice reference guide for future generations of guys – an instruction book that teaches them the right way to treat girls.
But when her friends draft Emily to test out their tips on Luke Preston – the hottest, most popular guy in school, who just broke up with Josie by email – Emily soon finds that Luke is the trickiest of test subjects… and that even a nice girl like Emily has a few things to learn about love.

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Emily: I understood her motivations for her action, no matter how flawed they were; Luke: he was one of the most realistic guy characters I’ve read about… and I totally loved him!

When I finished this book I felt: I have to admit, I was really, really impressed with this book. Not only that, I totally loved it. The Book of Luke had a premise similar to the movie John Tucker Must Die, but it was totally better than the movie. When I started the book, I wasn’t really sure if I was going to like it… or if I was going to like Emily’s love interest, Luke. The book started a bit slow… and Luke seemed like too big of jerk to salvage as a good guy to fall for. O’Connell totally proved me wrong though!

Other books to read by this author: Plan B

I would recommend this book to: fans of teen chick lit…

Monday, April 6, 2009

Terribly Addictive

My younger sister, Megan, started her own blog about books:

We read a lot of the same books so if you want a different point of view on a book I've reviewed, you might want to check out her site. She also reads some books I don't... so look at her page for some different books as well!

Confessions of a Book Buying Maniac

I placed an Amazon order last night... I am out of conrol!

Chasing Boys by Karen Tayleur
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
The Boyfriend Game by Stephie Davis
Wherever Nina Lies by Lynn Weingarten
Willow by Julia Hoban
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley

Review: Audrey, Wait!

Title: Audrey, Wait!
Author: Robin Benway
Publisher: Razorbill
Date Published: 2008
Type of Book: Young Adult fiction

I received book from/at: Barnes and Noble
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From inside book: “While trying to score a date with her cute co-worker at Scooper Dooper, sixteen-year-old Audrey gains unwanted fame and celebrity status when her ex-boyfriend, a rock musician, records a breakup song her that soars to the top of the Billboard charts.”

Favorite characters, quote/lines: Audrey: She was an awesome character, very “real”; James: I really liked him, at first I wasn’t sure about him, but as the story went on and more details about him were revealed, he became one of my favorite characters
When I finished this book I felt: Wow! I definitely should have read this book sooner, it was an amazing read! Audrey was a character that was full of life and someone that I could have went to school with! Robin Benway is an author to watch!!

I would recommend this book to: teen fiction/romance fans

Other books by this author: this is Benway’s first novel

Review: In Your Room

Title: In Your Room
Author: Jordanna Fraiberg
Publisher: Razorbill
Date published: 2008
Type of book: teen fiction

I received this book from/at: Barnes and Noble
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From the back cover: “ When their families randomly switch houses for the summer, retro-chic LA fashionista Molly Hill and laidback granola boy Charlie Richards find themselves living in totally unfamiliar rooms for two long hot months. Soon they become entwined in each other’s secrets, relationships, and dreams. Day by day, they grow closer… even though they’re living 1,000 miles apart and have never met face-to-face. Can perfect strangers be perfect for each other? Will Molly and Charlie make it through the summer of seductions, missed connections and the thousand miles between them to find out?”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Molly: I really liked and identified with her, I too have had troubles trusting people… Molly is a character that I think every girl can relate to at some point or another; Charlie: he was funny and I totally understood why Molly fell for him… I think I would have too. He seemed realistic to me…. Especially his confusion during various situations.

When I finished this book I felt: Yay for Joanna Fraiberg… I’ll definitely be looking for her books after reading In Your Room. For a first novel, I was very impressed. It was a book that had a predictable ending, but the story and my connection with the characters made me want to read their story regardless of the fact that I already knew the ending.

Other books to read by this author: this is the author’s first book

I would recommend this book to: Any young adult female reader looking for a good love story…

Review: What Would Emma Do?

Title: What Would Emma Do?
Author: Eileen Cook
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Published date: 2009
Type of book: Young Adult fiction

I received this book from/at: Barnes and Noble
My interest in this book is: plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: “Thou Shalt Not Kiss Thy Best Friend’s Boyfriend… again… There is no greater sin than kissing your best friend’s boyfriend. So when Emma breaks that golden rule, she knows she’s messed up big-time. Especially since she lives in the smallest town ever, where everyone knows everything about everybody else… and especially since she maybe kinda wants to do it again. Now her best friend isn’t speaking to her, her best guy friend is making things totally weird, and Emma is running full speed toward certain social disaster. This is not the way senior year was supposed to go.
Time to pray for a minor miracle. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s time for Emma to stop trying to please everyone around her, and figure out what she wants for herself.

Favorite character, quotes/lines: Emma: I thought she was good protagonist, and her choices wouldn’t have been easy for me to make either, I definitely identified with her/ Todd: I wished he was in the book more… he seemed like he would have been an interesting character to explore

When I finished this book I felt: I definitely liked it, but I wasn’t really impressed with the ending. I really enjoyed the book: it was funny and relatable. However, I thought the ending was really sudden and left me wanting more of a wrap up of the story. I thought that the religion aspects of the novel were well incorporated and I identified with Emma’s doubts and thoughts on faith, church, and church-goers (in particular).

I would recommend this book to: teen girls… and their mothers. I think it sends some thought provoking messages.

Confessions of a Book Buying Maniac

This weekend was spent in K-zoo, Michigan... which has a Barnes and Noble that I am absolutely in love with... So, like any devoted reader... I bought some books!! I was in HEAVEN!! Reviews will be posted soon for:

What Would Emma Do? by Eileen Cook
In Your Room by Jordanna Fraiberg
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway
The Dust of 100 Dogs by A.S. King
Night World Vol. 3 by L.J. Smith
Wake by Lisa McMann
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong
A Little Friendly Advice by Siobahn Vivian

I am now a happy little reader!!

Review: The Vampire Diaries (Bk. 2)

Book Title: The Vampire Diaries: The Fury and Dark Reunion
Author: L.J. Smith
Publisher: Harper Collins
Date Published: 1991

I received this book from/at: Christmas gift
My interest in this book is: second in Vampire Diaries series

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “LOVE CAN KILL. Elena: transformed, the golden girl has become what she once feared and desired. Stefan: tormented from losing Elena, he’s determined to end his feud with Damon once and for all – whatever the cost. But slowly he begins to realize that his brother is not his only enemy. Damon: at last, he possesses Elena. But will his thirst for revenge against Stefan poison his triumph. Or can they come together to face one final battle?”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Stefan: he’s just as intriguing as in the first book, Elena: It is interesting seeing how she has changed from the last book, Damon: I liked him a lot more than I did before , a different side of Damon was shown in this book.

When I finished this book I felt: Ahhh! I loved this book… L.J. Smith rocks!

Other books by this Author or Theme: see past blogs

I would recommend this book to: everyone!

Review: The Vampire Diaries (Bk. 1)

Book Title: The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening and The Struggle
Author: L.J. Smith
Publisher: Harper Collins
Date Published: 1991
Type of Book: Supernatural (Vampires) Romance, Young Adult

I received this book from/at:
My interest in this book is: I love L.J. Smith! She’s an awesome writer.

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From back cover: “A DEADLY LOVE TRIANGLE. Elena: the golden girl, the leader, the one who can have any boy she wants. Stefan: brooding and mysterious, he seems to be the only one who can resist Elena, even as he struggles to protect her from the horrors that haunt his past. Damon: sexy, dangerous, and driven by an urge for revenge against Stefan, the brother who betrayed him. Determined to have Elena, he’d kill to possess here.

Favorite character, quotes/lines: Stefan: I definitely wanted him to be with Elena. Elena: I actually liked her, even though I wasn’t sure I was going to…. I thought she would be more self-absorbed, but she was actually okay.
When I finished this book I felt: I really, really want the next book! But it isn’t out yet… I might even go as far as to say that L.J. Smith is better than Stephanie Meyers! Well, I definitely think her writing skills are better, but her stories might be as well! :s

Other books to read by this Author or theme: The Vampire Diaries: The Fury and Dark Reunion, the Secret Circle books, the Nightworld Omnibuses: 1,2,3

I would recommend this book to: young adult readers, but even older readers. I think anyone can enjoy this book!!

Review: Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Darkside

Book Title: Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side
Author: Beth Fantaskey
Publisher: Harcourt
Date Published: March 2009
Type of Book: Supernatural (Vampire) Romance

I Received This Book From/At:
My interest in this book is: vampires, romance, coming of age, plot

Ideas expressed/message/plot: From inside cover: “Marrying a vampire definitely doesn’t fit into Jessica’s senior year “get-a-life” plan. Enter a bizarre new exchange student named Lucius Vladescu who claims Jessica is a Romanian vampire princess by birth and he’s her long-lost fiancé. He’s arrogant, officious, embarrassingly protective, and well, incredibly hot. Armed with a copy of Growing Up Undead: A Teen Vampire’s Guide to Dating, Heath, and Emotion, Jessica tries to imagine transition from an average American teenager to a glam European vampire princess. But just when things start to heat up with Lucius, a devious cheerleader sets her sights on him. Soon Jess finds herself fighting to win back her wayward prince, stop a global vampire war – and save Lucius’s soul from eternal damnation. All of which leaves her to wonder: Wouldn’t life be easier if she could just fall for a nice mortal boy?”

Favorite characters, quotes/lines: Jess: sometimes she was annoying, but for the most part I could understand why she was so upset about things… but I think she could have been a bit more understanding toward Lucius (it wasn’t his fault after all!)

When I finished This Book I Felt: I had mixed feelings. I liked it, but there were parts I thought unnecessary and drawn out. I didn’t think it had anything that required much thinking or inspired any outside thought.

Other Books To Read by this Author or theme: this is her first book

I would recommend this (to): young adult readers, specifically age 13-20ish

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Review: You Are So Undead To Me by Stacey Jay

From back cover:
"Q: How many zombies does it take to ruin a social life?
A: Not many.
Megan Berry is Zombie Settler by birth, which means she's part-time shrink to a whole bunsh of semi-dead people with killer issues. All Megan really wants is to go to homecoming, but when you're trailed by a bunch of slobbering corpses whenever you leave the house, it's kinda hard to score a date. Let's just say Megan's love life could use some major resuscitation.
Megan's convinced her life can't get any worse - until someone in school starts using black magic to turn average, angsty Undead into scary, hardcore flesh-eating Zombies. Now it's up to Megan to stop he Zombie apocalypse. Her life - and more importantly, the homecoming dance - depends on it."

I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I really don't think that the back cover really does it justice. It is definitely one of those books that I will remember and suggest to my friends!! One of my favorite parts of the book was the romantic plotline. Even though I was pretty sure Kayla would get the guy, I still wasn't exactly sure what was going on the between them. And Kayla's confusion about Ethan was believable because of their estrangement and age difference. Lately, a lot o the romances in books isn't very convincing, but I believed in the connection between Kayla and Ethan. The supernatural element of the book was very well done as well. I though Jay was convincing with the lore and spells. I've never been much of a zombie fan, but this book made be see them in a different light; they seemed likeable in some parts of the book. I also enjoyed the humor in this book; I was smiling at various parts in the story. I highly recommend You Are So Undead to Me... And stay tuned for Jay's second book about Kayla and Zombie Settlers!